How to Clean Suede New Balance Shoes: Ultimate Guide!

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To clean suede New Balance shoes, use a light bristle brush and a mild detergent free of dye. Scrub the shoes with the brush and wipe clean with a damp cloth.

Keeping your New Balance suede shoes clean and in pristine condition is essential for maintaining their longevity and appearance. While suede material adds a touch of style and sophistication to your footwear, it is also notorious for being challenging to clean.

However, with the right tools and techniques, you can effectively remove dirt, stains, and grime from your suede New Balance shoes. We will provide you with a concise and accurate guide on how to clean your suede New Balance shoes, ensuring they stay in top shape for years to come.

The Products We’Ll Be Using

To clean suede New Balance shoes, gather the necessary cleaning supplies. You will need a light bristle brush, such as an old toothbrush, and a mild detergent that is dye-free. Avoid using water or dish soap on suede or leather shoes, as this can ruin them.

Start by removing the laces from the shoes. Then, using the brush and the detergent, scrub the shoes gently in circular motions. Use a damp cloth to wipe away any excess dirt or soap. Take extra care when cleaning the suede material.

Allow the shoes to air dry, and then clean the laces separately. By following these steps, you can effectively clean your suede New Balance shoes and keep them looking their best.

Lace Removal

To start cleaning your suede New Balance shoes, it is important to remove the laces first. This will allow you to thoroughly clean the shoes without any obstructions. Use a light bristle brush, like an old toothbrush, and a mild detergent.

Make sure the detergent is free of dye to avoid staining the suede. Gently scrub the shoes with the brush and then use a damp cloth to wipe clean. It is crucial not to use water or dish soap on suede shoes as this can ruin them.

To maintain the quality of your suede New Balance shoes, it is recommended to use a product specifically designed for cleaning suede. So, remove the laces before starting the cleaning process for best results.

Strategically Cleaning The Suede

Cleaning suede New Balance shoes requires a strategic approach to maintain their quality. To clean the suede efficiently, start by using a light bristle brush and a mild detergent, ensuring the detergent is dye-free to avoid staining. Gently scrub the shoes with the brush and wipe clean with a damp cloth.

Avoid using water or dish soap on leather or suede shoes. It is recommended to use specific products made for cleaning these materials. To remove dirt from the suede without ruining it, follow the proper cleaning techniques. Take care of your suede New Balance shoes with the right cleaning methods to keep them looking fresh and in good condition.

Using Suede Eraser

To clean suede New Balance shoes, it is beneficial to use a suede eraser. This specialized tool helps remove dirt and stains from the surface of the suede material. To use the suede eraser, simply rub it gently over the affected areas, using light pressure.

This will help lift and remove any dirt or stains without damaging the suede. It is important to use a soft and gentle touch to avoid causing any friction or abrasions on the material. Once the suede eraser has been used, you can use a soft brush to remove any loose particles and restore the appearance of the suede.

Regular use of a suede eraser can help maintain the cleanliness and longevity of your New Balance shoes.

Cleaning The Suede

Cleaning suede New Balance shoes can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, you can restore them to their former glory. To begin, gather the necessary supplies: a light bristle brush and a mild detergent free of dye.

Start by gently brushing the shoes with the brush to remove any loose dirt or debris. Then, apply a small amount of the mild detergent to a damp cloth and carefully scrub the suede in circular motions. Be sure to avoid getting the shoes too wet, as excessive moisture can damage the material.

Once you have cleaned the suede, use a dry cloth to remove any excess moisture. Finally, allow the shoes to air dry in a well-ventilated area, away from direct heat sources. By following these steps, you can effectively clean your suede New Balance shoes and prolong their lifespan.

Cleaning The Midsole

To clean the midsole of your New Balance shoes, follow these tips. Firstly, gather a light bristle brush and a mild detergent, ensuring it’s dye-free. Using the brush, scrub the midsole and then wipe it clean with a damp cloth.

Be careful not to use water or dish soap on suede or leather shoes, as it may damage them. By using a proper cleaning method, you can effectively remove dirt and grime from the midsole of your New Balance shoes without causing any harm.

Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for the best results and to keep your shoes in great condition.

Drying The Suede

Drying the suede properly is crucial for maintaining the quality of your New Balance shoes. After cleaning the suede, make sure to remove any excess moisture by gently patting it with a clean towel. Avoid using direct heat sources like hairdryers or heaters, as they can damage the suede.

Instead, let the shoes air dry naturally in a well-ventilated area. Stuffing them with newspaper or shoe trees can help maintain their shape and absorb excess moisture. Remember to brush the suede gently with a soft-bristled brush once they are completely dry to restore the texture.

Proper drying techniques will ensure that your suede New Balance shoes stay clean and in top condition for a long time.

Cleaning The Laces

To ensure you have sparkling clean suede New Balance shoes, don’t forget to clean the laces! Start by using a bristle brush and a mild detergent without any dye. Gently scrub the laces to remove any dirt or stains. Afterward, use a damp cloth to wipe them clean.

Avoid using water or dish soap on suede or leather materials, as they can cause damage. By following these steps, you’ll have laces that complement your clean suede shoes perfectly. Don’t overlook this important step in the cleaning process, as clean laces can make a big difference in the overall appearance of your shoes.

Keep your New Balance shoes looking fresh and stylish with regular maintenance. Remember, happy feet start with clean suede shoes!

Additional Tips And Tricks

Maintaining your suede shoes is essential to prolong their lifespan. Here are some additional tips and tricks you can use. Firstly, never use water or dish soap on your suede shoes as this can ruin the material. Instead, opt for a product specifically made for cleaning suede.

When cleaning, use a light bristle brush or an old toothbrush and a mild detergent that is free of dye to avoid staining. Scrub the shoes gently with the brush and then use a damp cloth to wipe them clean.

Avoid using excessive force as it can damage the suede. Lastly, remember to let the shoes air dry naturally and avoid direct heat sources. These tips will help you keep your suede New Balance shoes looking fresh and clean for longer.

How to Clean Suede New Balance Shoes: Ultimate Guide!


Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Clean Suede New Balance Shoes

How To Clean New Balance 574 Suede At Home?

To clean New Balance 574 suede shoes at home, use a light bristle brush and a mild detergent. Scrub the shoes with the brush and wipe clean with a damp cloth. Avoid using water or dish soap on suede shoes.

Are New Balance Suede Shoes Washable?

Yes, New Balance suede shoes are washable. Use a light bristle brush and mild detergent to clean them.

How Do You Get Dirt Out Of Suede New Balance Shoes?

To clean dirt off suede New Balance shoes, use a light bristle brush and a mild detergent. Scrub the shoes and wipe clean with a damp cloth.

How Do You Clean Suede Shoes Without Ruining Them?

To clean suede shoes without ruining them, follow these steps: 1. Use a light bristle brush and a mild detergent to scrub the shoes, avoiding any dyes that may stain. 2. Wipe clean with a damp cloth, avoiding water and dish soap on suede or leather shoes.

3. Let the shoes air dry naturally. 4. Repeat the process as needed for ongoing maintenance. Ensure you carefully follow these steps to keep your suede shoes clean and in good condition.


Keeping your suede New Balance shoes clean is essential for maintaining their appearance and extending their lifespan. By following the right cleaning techniques, you can ensure that your shoes remain in pristine condition. Start by removing the laces and using a light bristle brush to remove any loose dirt or debris.

Then, apply a suede eraser to gently lift stains and scuff marks. To tackle any tougher stains, use a mixture of water and mild detergent, and scrub gently with a soft cloth. After cleaning, allow your shoes to air-dry naturally and avoid direct sunlight or heat sources.

Once they are dry, brush them again to restore the suede texture. Remember to always use products specifically designed for suede cleaning and avoid water or dish soap, as they can damage the material. By following these simple steps, your suede New Balance shoes will look as good as new, ensuring that you can enjoy them for years to come.

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