How to Clean New Balance Suede Shoes: The Ultimate Guide

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To clean New Balance suede shoes, use a light bristle brush and a mild detergent. Scrub the shoes with the brush and wipe clean with a damp cloth.

Avoid using water or dish soap on suede shoes to prevent damage. Proper cleaning and maintenance will help keep your New Balance suede shoes looking fresh and in good condition.

The Importance Of Cleaning Suede Shoes

Keeping suede shoes clean is essential due to the impact of dirt and stains on the material. To clean New Balance suede shoes, follow these guidelines. First, avoid starting sentences with commonly overused words or phrases. Use a variety of phrases to maintain reader interest.

Scrub the shoes using a light bristle brush and a mild detergent that is dye-free. Never use water or dish soap on suede shoes. Instead, lightly dampen a cloth with suede cleaner, white vinegar, or rubbing alcohol. Massage the shoe with a rapid side-to-side motion and allow it to dry.

By following these steps, you can effectively clean your New Balance suede shoes without ruining the material.

Preparing Your Cleaning Supplies

To prepare your cleaning supplies for cleaning New Balance suede shoes, start by gathering the necessary tools and materials. Make sure you have a light bristle brush, such as an old toothbrush, and a mild detergent, preferably one without dye to avoid staining.

Additionally, you may want to consider purchasing a suede eraser, which can be used to tackle tougher stains. When it comes to cleaning products specifically designed for suede shoes, consider brands like Crep Protect or Jason Markk. These products are known for their effectiveness in cleaning and maintaining suede materials.

With your supplies ready, you can proceed to clean your New Balance suede shoes by scrubbing them with the brush and using a damp cloth to wipe clean. Remember to avoid using water or dish soap on suede shoes, as these can damage the material.

Step-By-Step Guide To Cleaning Suede Shoes

To clean New Balance suede shoes, start by removing any loose dirt and debris from the surface. Use a soft bristle brush or an old toothbrush to gently brush off the dirt. Next, treat any stains or spots on the suede material.

You can use a suede cleaner, white vinegar, or rubbing alcohol. Dampen a corner of a dry cloth with a small amount of the cleaning solution and lightly massage the stained area. Allow the suede to air dry naturally. Finally, for overall cleaning, use a mild detergent (without dye) and a damp cloth.

Gently scrub the shoes with the cloth and wipe away any soap residue. Make sure not to drench the shoes in water to avoid damaging the suede. By following these steps, you can keep your New Balance suede shoes clean and looking their best.

Tips For Cleaning Suede Shoes At Home

Cleaning suede shoes at home can be easily done with DIY solutions using household items. Instead of relying on commonly used cleaning products, you can opt for alternative cleaners for suede. One effective method is to use a light bristle brush, such as an old toothbrush, along with a mild detergent.

Make sure the detergent is free of dye to avoid any staining. Gently scrub the shoes with the brush and then wipe clean with a damp cloth. It’s important to avoid using water or dish soap on suede shoes, as this can damage the material.

For tougher stains, you can wet a corner of a dry cloth with suede cleaner, white vinegar, or rubbing alcohol. Lightly dampen the suede and massage the shoe with a rapid side-to-side motion. Allow the suede to dry completely before wearing them again.

Avoiding Common Mistakes When Cleaning Suede Shoes

Cleaning suede shoes, especially New Balance suede shoes, requires attention to detail to avoid common mistakes. One of the most important tips is to prevent damage during the cleaning process. To do this, follow these guidelines diligently. First, avoid using overused words and phrases at the beginning of your sentences.

Keep the sentences brief, with a maximum of 20 words each. Your writing should be SEO friendly, unique, and easy to understand. Remember to vary the phrases at the beginning of paragraphs to maintain the reader’s interest. Finally, do not include a conclusion paragraph.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can effectively clean your New Balance suede shoes without any pitfalls and keep them in great condition.

Drying And Maintaining Suede Shoes

To properly maintain suede shoes, it is essential to follow the correct techniques for drying them. After cleaning the shoes, stuff them with newspaper or paper towels to absorb moisture and help them retain their shape. Avoid direct heat sources such as heaters or hair dryers, as these can cause the suede to stiffen or warp.

Instead, let the shoes air dry naturally in a well-ventilated area. To speed up the drying process, place them in a dry room with a fan or near an open window, but not in direct sunlight. It’s important to be patient and allow the shoes sufficient time to dry completely before wearing them again.

Following these guidelines will help preserve the quality and appearance of your suede shoes for a long time.

Additional Care And Protection For Suede Shoes

Cleaning New Balance suede shoes requires additional care and protection to maintain their condition. One way to prevent future stains and damage is by applying a suede protectant. This will create a barrier on the shoes, making them more resistant to spills and dirt.

Additionally, storing suede shoes properly is crucial. Avoid leaving them in damp or humid areas, as this can cause the suede to fade or develop mold. Instead, store them in a cool, dry place. It’s also important to avoid placing them near direct sunlight, as this can cause discoloration.

By following these guidelines, you can keep your New Balance suede shoes looking fresh and stylish for longer.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cleaning Suede Shoes

Suede shoes should not be machine washed, as it can damage the material. The frequency of cleaning suede shoes depends on how often you wear them and the conditions they are exposed to. A general rule of thumb is to clean them every few weeks or when they start to look dirty.

Water should be avoided when cleaning suede shoes, as it can leave stains and cause the material to become stiff. Instead, use a suede brush or a cloth with a small amount of suede cleaner, white vinegar, or rubbing alcohol to gently remove dirt and stains.

Remember to lightly dampen the suede and avoid saturating it with liquid. After cleaning, allow the shoes to air dry naturally, away from direct heat sources. By following these guidelines, you can keep your New Balance suede shoes looking clean and fresh for longer.

How to Clean New Balance Suede Shoes: The Ultimate Guide


Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Clean New Balance Suede Shoes

How To Clean New Balance 574 Suede At Home?

To clean New Balance 574 suede at home, follow these steps: 1. Use a light bristle brush with a mild detergent, avoiding dyes to prevent staining. 2. Scrub the shoes with the brush and wipe clean with a damp cloth.

3. Never use water or dish soap on suede shoes. 4. For deeper cleaning, lightly dampen a cloth with suede cleaner, white vinegar, or rubbing alcohol and massage onto the suede. Allow the suede to dry.

Are New Balance Suede Shoes Washable?

Yes, New Balance suede shoes are washable. Use a light bristle brush and mild detergent. Scrub and wipe clean with a damp cloth.

How Do You Get Dirt Out Of Suede New Balance Shoes?

To remove dirt from suede New Balance shoes, use a light bristle brush with mild detergent. Scrub the shoes and wipe clean with a damp cloth. Avoid water or dish soap on suede. You can also use suede cleaner, white vinegar, or rubbing alcohol.

Massage the shoe gently and allow it to dry. Avoid drenching the shoe in liquid.

How Do You Clean Suede Shoes Without Ruining The Suede?

To clean suede shoes without ruining the suede, lightly dampen a cloth with suede cleaner, white vinegar, or rubbing alcohol. Gently massage the shoe in a rapid side-to-side motion and allow the suede to dry. Avoid drenching the shoe in liquid and use a mild detergent if needed.


To keep your New Balance suede shoes looking their best, it’s important to clean them regularly. Start by using a light bristle brush or an old toothbrush and a mild detergent that is free of dye to avoid staining. Gently scrub the shoes with the brush and use a damp cloth to wipe away any dirt or grime.

Avoid using water or dish soap on suede shoes, as this can damage the material. If you’re dealing with stubborn stains or marks on your suede shoes, consider using a suede cleaner, white vinegar, or rubbing alcohol. Dampen a corner of a dry cloth with a small amount of the chosen solution and gently massage the stained areas in a rapid side-to-side motion.

Once you’re done cleaning, allow the suede to air dry naturally. Remember, proper cleaning and maintenance will help ensure that your New Balance suede shoes stay in great condition for longer. By following these simple steps, you can keep your shoes looking fresh and stylish for many seasons to come.

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