How to Clean New Balance Shoes 574: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Sneakers Fresh

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To clean New Balance Shoes 574, start by using a light bristle brush and a mild detergent to scrub the uppers, then move on to cleaning the outsole and midsole. Use a damp cloth to wipe clean or immerse them in water if necessary.

Allow the shoes to air dry thoroughly for about 24 hours. Avoid putting them in the washing machine as it is not recommended by New Balance.

Why Proper Cleaning Is Important For New Balance Shoes 574

Proper cleaning is crucial for maintaining the lifespan of your New Balance Shoes 574. Regular cleaning has a significant impact on the overall condition and appearance of your sneakers. By keeping your shoes clean, you can prevent dirt and debris from accumulating, which can lead to wear and tear.

Additionally, regular cleaning helps to remove any odors and bacteria that may develop over time. To clean your New Balance shoes, use a light bristle brush (an old toothbrush can work) and a mild detergent such as dishwashing or laundry soap.

Scrub the shoes thoroughly, paying attention to the uppers, outsole, and midsole. You can also immerse them in water if needed. Allow the shoes to air dry for at least 24 hours. Remember, it’s important to avoid washing your New Balance shoes in a washing machine as it can damage them.

Keep your New Balance 574s clean to ensure they look good and last longer.

Materials And Tools Needed For Cleaning New Balance Shoes 574

To clean your New Balance Shoes 574, you’ll need a few materials and tools. First, grab a soft bristle brush like an old toothbrush. Next, you’ll need a light detergent, such as dishwashing or laundry detergent. Also, have a damp cloth ready for wiping.

Grab a small bowl and fill it with water. Now, you’re all set to start cleaning your shoes. Gently brush the uppers using the soft bristle brush. Move on to the outsole and clean it thoroughly. Next, clean the midsole using the medium bristle brush.

Finally, use the damp cloth to wipe off any excess detergent or dirt. Let your shoes air dry for about twenty-four hours before wearing them again.

Tips For Cleaning Suede New Balance Shoes 574

To clean your suede New Balance Shoes 574, start by using a suede cleaner specially designed for this material. Gently brush the shoes with a suede brush to remove any surface dirt. Avoid using excessive water or liquid cleaning methods, as this can damage the suede.

For stubborn stains, it may be best to seek professional cleaning services. Remember to be cautious and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to preserve the quality of your shoes.

How to Clean New Balance Shoes 574: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Sneakers Fresh


Maintenance And Storage Tips For New Balance Shoes 574

Regularly cleaning your New Balance Shoes 574 is essential to prevent dirt buildup and maintain their appearance. Use a light bristle brush, such as an old toothbrush, and a mild detergent like dishwashing or laundry soap. Start by cleaning the uppers using the soft bristle brush, then move on to the outsole.

Clean the midsole with a medium bristle brush. If needed, you can immerse the shoes in water, but make sure they are thoroughly dried afterward. Additionally, properly storing your sneakers is crucial. Find a clean and dry area to store them, and consider using shoe trees or stuffing them with newspaper to maintain their shape.

Lastly, remember to rotate your shoes regularly to prolong their lifespan. By following these maintenance and storage tips, your New Balance Shoes 574 will stay clean and last longer.

Faqs About Cleaning New Balance Shoes 574

If your New Balance shoes 574 get wet, the first thing you should do is let them air dry thoroughly for about twenty-four hours. Avoid using direct heat sources like hair dryers, as this can damage the material. It is not recommended to use bleach or harsh chemicals to clean sneakers, as they can cause discoloration and deterioration of the materials.

Instead, use a light bristle brush, like an old toothbrush, and a mild detergent such as dishwashing or laundry detergent. Scrub the shoes gently with the brush and use a damp cloth to wipe clean. Avoid using other materials like abrasive brushes or cleaners that can scratch or damage the shoes.

It is also not recommended to machine wash New Balance shoes, as this can cause deformation and reduce their lifespan. Regular cleaning of your sneakers is important to maintain their appearance and prolong their durability.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Clean New Balance Shoes 574

How Do You Wash New Balance 574?

To wash New Balance 574 sneakers, use a light bristle brush and a mild detergent. Scrub the shoes with the brush, wipe clean with a damp cloth, and air dry for 24 hours. Avoid washing machines.

Can I Wash New Balance 574 In The Washing Machine?

Yes, you can wash New Balance 574 in the washing machine. However, it is recommended to manually remove as much dirt and debris as possible before washing and to use a gentle cycle with cold water and mild detergent. Air dry the shoes thoroughly for about 24 hours.

How Do I Keep My 574 Clean?

To keep your New Balance 574 clean, follow these steps: 1. Start by cleaning the uppers using a soft bristle brush. 2. Move on to the outsole and clean it using the same brush. 3. Use a medium bristle brush to clean the midsole.

4. If needed, remove the laces and soak them in a solution of cleaner and water, then rinse. 5. Use a damp cloth to wipe the shoes clean. 6. Allow the shoes to air dry for at least 24 hours.

7. Avoid using a washing machine to clean your New Balance 574. Remember to always follow the recommended care instructions for your specific shoes.

How Do You Clean Suede Shoes?

To clean suede shoes, use a soft bristle brush to clean the uppers, then move on to the outsole. Clean the midsole with a medium bristle brush. You can also use a light detergent and a damp cloth to wipe clean.

Air dry thoroughly for 24 hours. Avoid washing machines.


To keep your New Balance 574 shoes looking fresh and clean, it is important to follow the proper cleaning methods. Start by removing the laces and scrubbing the uppers with a light bristle brush and a mild detergent. Focus on areas with dirt or stains, using a damp cloth to wipe away any excess soap.

Move on to the outsole, using a separate brush to remove debris and dirt. Finally, clean the midsole with a medium bristle brush, paying attention to any scuff marks. It is not recommended to put your New Balance 574 shoes in the washing machine.

Instead, allow them to air dry for at least 24 hours. By following these steps, you can ensure that your New Balance 574 shoes stay in great condition and continue to provide comfort and style for years to come.

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