Hand Sanitizer on Basketball Shoes: Boost Your Grip Game

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Hand sanitizer should not be used on basketball shoes as it contains alcohol that can damage the rubber soles and reduce the lifespan of the shoes.

1. The Problem With Hand Sanitizer And Basketball Shoes

Hand sanitizers and hair spray may provide more grip on basketball shoes, but they come with a cost. These products contain alcohol, which can dry rot the rubber soles and significantly reduce the shoes’ lifespan. It’s important to note that while alcohol-based hand sanitizers can eliminate most germs, they won’t remove all types of germs.

If you choose to use hand sanitizer on your shoes, make sure to apply enough and let it dry completely instead of wiping it off. Alternatively, sticky pads have been a popular choice for improving grip on basketball shoes for many years.

It’s crucial to be cautious about using hand sanitizer on basketball shoes to avoid damaging the rubber soles.

2. Alternative Methods To Boost Grip On Basketball Shoes

Hand sanitizers and hair spray can provide more grip on basketball shoes, but they have drawbacks. These products contain alcohol, which can dry rot the rubber soles and shorten the lifespan of the shoes. Another option is using sticky pads, which have been used in the game for decades.

However, it’s important to note that putting hand sanitizer on shoes is not recommended as it can destroy the rubber. To clean basketball shoes, it’s best to follow specific cleaning methods recommended for each shoe type. There are also various techniques and products available to improve grip on basketball shoes, such as grip sprays and sticky pads.

Consider the pros and cons of each option and choose the one that suits your needs and preferences.

3. How To Properly Clean And Maintain Basketball Shoes

Hand sanitizers and hair spray are often used to enhance the grip on basketball shoes. However, these products contain alcohol, which can cause the rubber soles to dry rot and reduce the lifespan of the shoes. Another option is to use sticky pads, which have been popular for decades.

It is important to note that hand sanitizers alone cannot eliminate all types of germs on shoes. To effectively sanitize shoes, sufficient amount of hand sanitizer should be applied and allowed to dry completely. Cleaning basketball shoes regularly is crucial to maintain their grip.

There are various techniques available for cleaning and restoring the grip, such as using specific cleaning products and following proper cleaning methods. Additionally, taking care of your basketball shoes by avoiding excessive wear and tear can help prolong their lifespan.

Proper maintenance and cleanliness play significant roles in ensuring the performance and longevity of basketball shoes.

Hand Sanitizer on Basketball Shoes: Boost Your Grip Game

Credit: www.amazon.com

Frequently Asked Questions Of Hand Sanitizer On Basketball Shoes

Does Hand Sanitizer Make Basketball Shoes Grip Better?

Hand sanitizer can improve grip on basketball shoes, but it can also damage the rubber soles and reduce their lifespan.

Is It Ok To Put Hand Sanitizer On Shoes?

No, it is not recommended to put hand sanitizer on shoes as it can deteriorate the rubber soles and shorten their lifespan.

What Is The Best Way To Clean Basketball Shoes?

To clean basketball shoes, avoid using hand sanitizer. It may provide more grip but will damage the rubber soles. Instead, try using sticky pads or follow a cleaning tutorial on YouTube.

How Can I Make My Basketball Shoes More Grippy?

To make your basketball shoes more grippy, avoid using hand sanitizer or hair spray as they contain alcohol that can damage the rubber soles. Instead, consider using sticky pads or cleaning them regularly to maintain their grip.


While hand sanitizer may seem like a convenient option for adding grip to basketball shoes, it is not recommended. Hand sanitizers and other products containing alcohol can dry rot the rubber soles of the shoes, significantly reducing their lifespan. Additionally, hand sanitizers may not effectively eliminate all types of germs on the shoes.

Instead, it is best to explore alternative methods for improving traction, such as using sticky pads or following proper shoe cleaning techniques. These methods can maintain the grip of your basketball shoes without damaging them. Remember to always prioritize the longevity and performance of your shoes by using appropriate methods for enhancing grip.

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