how to break in shoes that rub your heel

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Are you tired of dealing with blisters and sore heels every time you wear a new pair of shoes? Breaking in new shoes can be a painful and frustrating process, especially when they rub against your heel. However, there are several tips and tricks that can help you break in your shoes more comfortably and quickly. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most effective methods for breaking in shoes that rub your heel. From stretching techniques to protective products, we’ll cover everything you need to know to make your new shoes feel like a dream. Say goodbye to blisters and hello to happy feet with these expert tips for breaking in your shoes.

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How to Break in Shoes That Rub Your Heel: Breaking in a new pair of shoes can be painful, especially if they rub against your heel. Here are some tips to help ease the discomfort and prevent blisters:

  1. Wear your shoes around the house with thick socks for short periods of time.
  2. Apply blister pads or moleskin to the affected area.
  3. Use a shoe stretcher to stretch the tight areas of the shoe.
  4. Apply rubbing alcohol to the inside of the shoe to soften the material.
  5. Take your shoes to a cobbler for professional stretching or padding.
how to break in shoes that rub your heel

How to Break in Shoes That Rub Your Heel

Breaking in new shoes can be a painful process, especially if they rub against your heel. However, with a few simple tricks, you can make your shoes more comfortable and avoid blisters. Here are some tips on how to break in shoes that rub your heel.

1. Wear Thick Socks

Wear thick socks with your new shoes to create some extra padding and reduce friction on your heel. This will also help stretch out the shoes and make them more comfortable. You can wear the socks around the house or while running errands to break in the shoes gradually. If you don’t have thick socks, you can also use multiple layers of regular socks or try padding your heel with moleskin or bandages. Just make sure the padding is thick enough to provide some cushioning.

2. Use a Shoe Stretcher

A shoe stretcher is a handy tool that can help you break in shoes faster and more efficiently. It can stretch out the tight spots in your shoes and relieve pressure on your heel. You can buy a shoe stretcher online or at a shoe store. To use a shoe stretcher, insert it into the shoe and turn the knob until you feel some resistance. Leave it in place for a few hours or overnight, then remove it and try on the shoes. Repeat the process until the shoes feel comfortable.

3. Heat the Shoes

Heat can help soften the leather or other materials in your shoes and make them more pliable. You can use a hairdryer, a heat gun, or even a microwave to apply heat to the shoes. Just be careful not to overheat them or damage the shoes. To use a hairdryer, put on a pair of thick socks and heat the shoes with the dryer for a few minutes, focusing on the heel area. Then, walk around in the shoes while they cool down. Repeat the process until the shoes feel comfortable.

4. Apply Shoe Stretch Spray

Shoe stretch spray is a product that can help you break in shoes more quickly and easily. It works by relaxing the fibers in the shoe material and allowing them to stretch more easily. You can buy shoe stretch spray online or at a shoe store. To use shoe stretch spray, spray a generous amount on the inside of the shoes, focusing on the heel area. Then, put on a pair of thick socks and walk around in the shoes for a few hours. Repeat the process until the shoes feel comfortable.

5. Take Them to a Cobbler

If all else fails, you can take your shoes to a cobbler or shoe repair shop. They can stretch out the shoes or add padding to the heel area to make them more comfortable. This may cost more than the other methods, but it can be worth it if you have a pair of shoes you really love. Before you take your shoes to a cobbler, make sure they are clean and free of any dirt or debris. Also, be clear about what you want done and ask for an estimate of the cost.

6. Benefits of Breaking in Shoes

Breaking in shoes can be a time-consuming process, but it can have many benefits. It can make the shoes more comfortable and prevent blisters and other foot problems. It can also help you avoid having to buy new shoes too frequently. When you break in shoes properly, they can last longer and provide better support for your feet. Plus, you’ll be able to enjoy wearing your favorite pair of shoes without any discomfort.

7. Breaking in Shoes vs. Buying New Ones

Breaking in shoes is usually cheaper than buying new ones, but it can take longer and require more effort. However, if you have a pair of shoes that you really love and don’t want to replace, breaking them in can be a worthwhile investment. Buying new shoes can be a fun and exciting experience, but it can also be expensive and time-consuming. If you’re on a budget or don’t want to waste time shopping, breaking in your existing shoes can be a good option.

8. How Long Does it Take to Break in Shoes?

The time it takes to break in shoes can vary depending on the type of shoes and how often you wear them. Some shoes may only take a few days to break in, while others may take weeks or even months. To speed up the process, you can use some of the methods described above, such as wearing thick socks or using a shoe stretcher. However, be patient and don’t rush the process, as this can damage the shoes or cause more discomfort.

9. Tips for Preventing Blisters

Blisters can be a painful side effect of breaking in shoes. To prevent blisters, make sure you wear socks that fit well and don’t bunch up or slide down. You can also use moleskin or bandages to cover any areas that rub against your skin. When you first start wearing your new shoes, try to limit the amount of time you spend in them and gradually increase it over time. This will give your feet a chance to adjust to the shoes and reduce the risk of blisters.

10. Conclusion

Breaking in shoes that rub your heel can be a frustrating and painful experience, but with a little patience and effort, you can make your shoes more comfortable and enjoyable to wear. Whether you use thick socks, a shoe stretcher, or heat, there are many methods you can try to break in your shoes. Remember to be patient and don’t rush the process, as this can cause more discomfort or damage to the shoes. With a little time and effort, you’ll be able to enjoy your favorite pair of shoes without any pain or discomfort.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes shoes to rub against your heel?

Shoes that rub against your heel are usually caused by a poor fit or improper sizing. When shoes are too tight or too loose, they can rub against your skin and cause blisters or other types of irritation. Additionally, certain shoe styles, such as high heels or shoes with stiff material, can also contribute to rubbing and discomfort.

To prevent rubbing, it’s important to choose shoes that fit properly and are made from breathable, flexible materials. You may also want to consider adding insoles or inserts to provide extra cushioning and support.

How can I break in shoes that rub my heel?

Breaking in shoes that rub your heel can take time and patience, but there are several things you can do to speed up the process. One option is to wear your shoes around the house for short periods of time, gradually increasing the length of wear each day. You can also try using a shoe stretcher or stuffing your shoes with newspaper or socks to help loosen the material.

If your shoes are made from leather, you may want to try using a leather conditioner to soften the material and make it more pliable. And don’t forget to wear socks or stockings to help protect your skin and reduce friction.

What can I do if my shoes are too tight?

If your shoes are too tight, there are several things you can do to help stretch them out. One option is to use a shoe stretcher, which can be purchased online or at a shoe store. You can also try wearing your shoes with thick socks or using a hairdryer to heat up the material and make it more flexible.

If your shoes are made from leather or suede, you may want to try using a stretching spray or leather conditioner to help soften the material. And remember, it’s always better to buy shoes that fit properly from the start to avoid discomfort and rubbing.

Can I prevent shoes from rubbing my heel?

While it’s not always possible to prevent shoes from rubbing your heel, there are several things you can do to minimize discomfort. First, make sure you’re choosing shoes that fit properly and are made from breathable, flexible materials. You may also want to consider using insoles or inserts to provide extra cushioning and support.

When wearing new shoes, start by wearing them for short periods of time and gradually increasing the length of wear. And always wear socks or stockings to help protect your skin and reduce friction. If you’re still experiencing rubbing and discomfort, consider consulting with a podiatrist or shoe specialist for additional advice and recommendations.

When should I replace shoes that rub my heel?

If you’re experiencing rubbing and discomfort from your shoes, it may be time to replace them. Shoes that are worn out or no longer fit properly can cause a range of foot problems, including blisters, calluses, and even injuries. If your shoes are showing signs of wear and tear, such as holes or worn-down soles, it’s definitely time to invest in a new pair.

Additionally, if you’ve tried various methods for breaking in your shoes and are still experiencing discomfort and rubbing, it may be time to admit that the shoes simply aren’t the right fit for your feet. Don’t be afraid to invest in a higher-quality pair that will provide the comfort and support you need.

As a professional writer, I understand the discomfort that comes with new shoes that constantly rub against your heel. However, breaking in shoes is a process that requires patience and a few helpful tips. Firstly, try wearing thick socks or using moleskin pads to create a barrier between your skin and the shoe. Additionally, you can try using a hairdryer to loosen the material of the shoe or using a shoe-stretching spray. Breaking in shoes can be a frustrating process, but it is important to remember that it is worth it in the end. The key is to take your time and not rush the process. With a little bit of effort and these helpful tips, you can finally enjoy wearing those new shoes without any discomfort. So go ahead and try out these techniques, and soon enough, you’ll be walking with ease in your favorite pair of shoes.

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